The Big Easy (1986)

The Big Easy (1986)

Release Date : Nov. 27, 1986 | Rating ★★★★★★
Details : Remy McSwain is a New Orleans police lieutenant who investigates the murder of a local mobster. His investigation leads him to suspect that fellow members of the police force may be involved.
Duration : 1 Hour 36 Minutes
Cast and Crew :

Dennis Quaid as Remy McSwain

Ellen Barkin as Anne Osborne

Ned Beatty as Jack Kellom

John Goodman as Andre DeSoto

Grace Zabriskie as Mama

Marc Lawrence as Vinnie 'The Cannon' DiMotti

Gailard Sartain as Chef Paul

Lisa Jane Persky as McCabe | Ebbe Roe Smith as Ed Dodge | Tom O'Brien as Bobby McSwain | Charles Ludlam as Lamar Parmentel | Solomon Burke as Daddy Mention | Jim Chimento as Freddie Angelo | Edward Saint Pe' as Patrolman | Director  : Jim McBride | Executive Producer  : Mort Engelberg | Producer  : Stephen J. Friedman |